
Third Grade Class 2015-2016

Friday, May 6, 2011

May 6, 2011

Tonight we are going to the Science Center and sleep over there.  It is going to be awesome!  We did our book reports on science fiction.  The choices were a hanging mobile, a clay model, or a written book report.  We read a book called Aladdin.  It was not like the movie at all. 

We did Mother's Day projects.  We get to use the Smart Board for english and math this week.   We are reading about Aladdin.  We are working towards a pizza party by being quite and earning the letters to spell pizza.  So far we have P and I.  We got our year books this week.  We are going to spend the night at the Science Center tonight!  I can't wait!


2104 Biographies

2013 Biographies


Volcano Eruptions 2012

Mystery Animal Power Points 2011

Mystery Animal Slideshows