
Third Grade Class 2015-2016

Friday, December 13, 2013

December 13, 2013

Today at school we are going to a pep rallly. We got back from music and we sang some of our Christmas Program songs. We were at the library to get some books. The pep rally is in the gym.
Tuesday we played a fun game in PE. Every week we do art on Monday. We keep practicing for our Christmas Tea. We are performing the Grinch and the Christmas Story for our first grade reading buddies.

Hi my name is Kris. I am going to tell you about what we are doing this week.We are having a pep rally and we will shout the cougar moddo and the person that shouts the loudest get's the cougar stick. We are learning about where to put commas in dates and cities and states in English. We are practicing for our Christmas Program that is on the 19th. Thank you for reading the class blog!!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Decemeber 6, 2013

I'm Alex, yesterday we had the Christmas store and we bought for our  family. Today we finished Because of Winn-Dixie. It was great.It was about a girl and her dog going to Naomi, Florida and Opal is trying to find friends.

I'm Ever Grae and we went to the Christmas store and it was really fun.We also are reading a book its called Because Of Winn-Dixie. It's a really, really good book and it's about this dog named Winn Dixie and a girl named Indian Opal.  She found Winn Dixie in a grocery store and we are on chapter twenty-four.That's all for today. BYE!!!!


2104 Biographies

2013 Biographies


Volcano Eruptions 2012

Mystery Animal Power Points 2011

Mystery Animal Slideshows