
Third Grade Class 2015-2016

Sunday, May 1, 2016

March 11, 2016

Hi,My name is Taylor and I would like to tell you about this week.We are working on made up stories and some biographies such as Laura Ingalls Wilder and Albert Einstein.This week
we are having a Math test, Science test, and English test.We just started a new novel,
Alice In Wonderland.We are going on spring break for a week after today.

Hi,my name is Hailey.  I’m in 3rd grade. We have been working on stories that get published.
I wrote my book about softball. You can write about anything. First, you write your story.
Then,you work on pictures. After that you do a final copy. Thank you for listening bye!

April 15, 2016

This week we did a lot of things. On Tuesday, Aidin shadowed Miss.Numala’s class. I think she really enjoyed St. John School. Then on Wednesday, Riley shadowed our class. She followed me around the whole day. It was really fun. On Thursday, we went to art. We made weaving looms. Then on Friday, we had a day without shoes. Then in P.E. we ran a mile. After that we were so muddy.Then we had a pep rally. We all wore cougar wear.


Hi, my name is Jonah.  Let me tell you about 3rd grade. In math we are learning how to divide. Also, in reading we are doing our Alice in Wonderland  projects.  I am doing a slideshow with a partner, Harrison. So far I think it is really fun.  In Art, we did a clay project which is a looming wheel.  It is colored string attached to a clay foundation.  In PE we ran a mile today. That is about 3rd grade.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

February19 , 2016

This week we learned how to make  and draw rectangle prisms. We also learned about right angles and acute angles and obtuse angles in math this week. In science  we are  doing a project  on planets and I my project is on Neptune. Also we learned how to multiply by 10s.



Hi,my name is Hailey,I'm in 3rd grade.In literature we are learning about biographies and you get to choose! I choose Ben Franklin and his most important thing he did was inventing electricity!
He did it by taking a kite and tying it to a key. A storm was passing by and he touched
the key and it shocked him. Now he knew that lighting is electricity. He could control where he
wanted it to go. Ben Franklin is fun learning about and now you know all about what he did!
I hope you enjoyed learning about him.Bye

March 4, 2016

Hello I am Alejandro and I want to tell  about our week. We are going to have a cookie booth to  raise money to help Bryan Hill Elementary School.  We have been making poster for it at  indoor recess. We are learning about multiplying by  tens.  For example 40x3=120.   It is almost the end of this quarter.  We are learning pushes and pulls in science. We you push on something it pushes away from and when you pull on something it comes towards you.  I hope you enjoyed what we have been doing lately. Goodbye.

This week we are making a cookie table for Encore Night. It is really fun. We are making posters and cookies and are going to sell them at Encore  Night.  We are making boomerangs in Art for Encore night also.  Every grade has a country and third grade has Australia and we are making boomerangs for one of our projects.  We made African Animals for Encore Night as one of our projects too.  We did a planet Web Quest in Science.  II had Saturn and here is one fact : an 80 pound person would weigh 85 pounds on Saturn because there is more gravity.  


Sunday, February 28, 2016

February 26, 2016

We went to the library this  week.I liked it a lot.We also made African Animals in art. In class we learned about commas in Language Arts .In music we are getting ready  for Encore Night.  We are learning how to a Heel Toe Dance. In P.E we played a game called Kingpin.

In art class we are making boomerangs. We dot  them with a wooden stick to decorate them. In English we learned where to put commas in a series. It was very interesting. In Math we are learning about 3 dimensional shapes. I never knew how to draw a cube until now. In music we are doing a dance called the Heel Toe dance. When boys are with girls they do not like it.



2104 Biographies

2013 Biographies


Volcano Eruptions 2012

Mystery Animal Power Points 2011

Mystery Animal Slideshows