
Third Grade Class 2015-2016

Friday, February 6, 2015

February 6, 2015

Last week was Lutheran schools week. We did a lot of fun things. On Thursday we did workout clothes. On Friday we had a pep rally. it was a really fun week. The best part was we got to dress up. I loved when we got to have a desert for lunch.

Last week on Wednesday was CLASH DAY! It was where we would dress up in things that would totally not match! On Tuesday it was FUTURE OCUPATION DAY! It was SO fun! Monday was SO fun-it was TWINS DAY! It's where you where the same thing as your friend and it was AWESOME! We'll that was last week but this week we are reading about Bessie Coleman. It's about Bessie's Coleman's life. What happened so far we read about how she moved to Texas, and Chicago and that her father and two brothers left her when she was young. Also in art were making Austrailian animals out of paper and yarn. It's really cool! Well that's all I have to say for today. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. I love Lutheran Schools week... my daughter goes to Immanuel Lutheran here in Washington, Missouri. This is a great little blog. Have a great year kiddos!



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