
Third Grade Class 2015-2016

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18, 2014

HI KILEA here. On Wednesday people brought shoes for George the shoe man. This week we also started our Alice projects. We are either doing a photo story or a powerpoint.  I am doing a power point. We basically are doing a summary of the book and different events in the book.  Today we had a half day because it is Good Friday.

Hi this is Lauren.  This week had PE on Tuesday and we had a math test on Thursday.  We have our Alice in Wonderland projects.  Adeline and I are doing photostory.  In science have caterpillars that we are watching them grow and go through their metamorphosis.  We learned about articles.  An article is an, the, and a.  This weekend is Easter and I'm excited for the Easter bunny to come.  Easter is when we celebrate Jesus dying on the cross and on the third day he rose again to save us from our sins!  This is Lauren signing off.

Friday, April 11, 2014

April 11, 2014

This week we did chapel and sang songs.  We had ACR store.We had a reading test over Alice in Wonderland vocabulary. This week we had a SAT tests till Thursday.  Every Friday we have class Dojo.We have gym every Friday and it is fun because you get to play sports. We have reading buddies every Friday and we are going to read them our books that we made today.  Goodbye. Josh.

This is reporter Kendall.  This week we had ACR store and we had a vocabulary test over Alice in Wonderland.  We are making a project for Alice in Wonderland.  My project is a Power Point presentation.  This week we got caterpillars and we get to watch them go through their metamorphosis and turn into a butterfly.  We got to share our stories that we wrote to our reading buddies.  Today is Fantastic Friday!
That is all for today...BYE!!!


2104 Biographies

2013 Biographies


Volcano Eruptions 2012

Mystery Animal Power Points 2011

Mystery Animal Slideshows