
Third Grade Class 2015-2016

Friday, November 18, 2011

November 18, 2011


Third grade is collecting pennies or change from our pockets for His Glory Orphange in Haiti.  Will you please help us by sending in pennies (or change) so that we can send lots of money to help the children in Haiti. Third grade is in a contest to raise the most money for the orphange.  We are competing against second and fourth grade.  If we win, we get an extra recess.  PLEASE HELP!! We want the extra recess but we really want to help the children in Haiti to be safe. 
Mrs. Hanson's Third Grade

Our Week in Class

I like when we read Two Kettles. It is a good book don't you like it? Well I think it is a well done book.In the story my faviret character is Tiptoe the stunk. He is cute.  Joseph

This week in Social Studies we were put in groups.  We had to reaserch the the American Flag, the Liberty Bell,  the Bald Eagle and the Statue of Liberty.  Then we had to do a triarama with our group.  Abigail.

For November we had four choisess for book reports. Of all of them were a book mark,a wanted pouster,a story quilt,and a puppet.Ezabelle

Friday, November 11, 2011

November 11, 2011

We read Hank the Cowdog and Monkey Buisness.We shared our book reports on mysteries.We started our american symbols webquest.We finished our mystery animal webquest.
Jack T.

This week we are doing nouns so we go on this website and spell are nouns three times and it turns out awesome!  We are working on this website about animals. It is fun!

This week we learned in math how to figure out what the missing number is in the middle of the problem.  All you do is if it's adding you subtract what you know.  It was fun!

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 4, 2011

Hi I'm Grace! This week in school there is a cookie booth. There are lots of cookies. We were raising money for Hati. Today we went to the ACR store. I got a lot of stuff at the ACR store. We played kickball at recess. We lost but it was fun.

Hi! I'm Maddi.  Today we learned how to write an acrostic poem. We are doing book reports. Everyones book reports were awesome. We also did  group projects in science. We just finished our first quarter. I'm making new friends. That's all we done so far today bye.

Hi I'm Layne.We are learning how to do book reports. 


2104 Biographies

2013 Biographies


Volcano Eruptions 2012

Mystery Animal Power Points 2011

Mystery Animal Slideshows