
Third Grade Class 2015-2016

Sunday, May 1, 2016

March 11, 2016

Hi,My name is Taylor and I would like to tell you about this week.We are working on made up stories and some biographies such as Laura Ingalls Wilder and Albert Einstein.This week
we are having a Math test, Science test, and English test.We just started a new novel,
Alice In Wonderland.We are going on spring break for a week after today.

Hi,my name is Hailey.  I’m in 3rd grade. We have been working on stories that get published.
I wrote my book about softball. You can write about anything. First, you write your story.
Then,you work on pictures. After that you do a final copy. Thank you for listening bye!

April 15, 2016

This week we did a lot of things. On Tuesday, Aidin shadowed Miss.Numala’s class. I think she really enjoyed St. John School. Then on Wednesday, Riley shadowed our class. She followed me around the whole day. It was really fun. On Thursday, we went to art. We made weaving looms. Then on Friday, we had a day without shoes. Then in P.E. we ran a mile. After that we were so muddy.Then we had a pep rally. We all wore cougar wear.


Hi, my name is Jonah.  Let me tell you about 3rd grade. In math we are learning how to divide. Also, in reading we are doing our Alice in Wonderland  projects.  I am doing a slideshow with a partner, Harrison. So far I think it is really fun.  In Art, we did a clay project which is a looming wheel.  It is colored string attached to a clay foundation.  In PE we ran a mile today. That is about 3rd grade.


2104 Biographies

2013 Biographies


Volcano Eruptions 2012

Mystery Animal Power Points 2011

Mystery Animal Slideshows